Message | Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the Message class. |
Headers | Headers of the Message. |
MessagePart | This is the body of the email Message. If the body was parsed for this Message, this property will never be a null reference. |
RawMessage | The raw content from which this message has been constructed. These bytes can be persisted and later used to recreate the Message. |
FindAllAttachments | Finds all the MessagePart's which are attachments to this message. IsAttachment for MessageParts which are considered to be attachments. |
FindAllMessagePartsWithMediaType | Finds all the MessageParts in the Message hierarchy with the given MediaType. |
FindAllTextVersions | Finds all the MessagePart's which contains a text version. IsText for MessageParts which are considered to be text versions. Examples of MessageParts media types are:
FindFirstHtmlVersion | Finds the first text/html MessagePart in this message. This is a convenience method - it simply propagates the call to FindFirstMessagePartWithMediaType. If no text/html version is found, a null reference is returned. |
FindFirstMessagePartWithMediaType | Finds the first MessagePart in the Message hierarchy with the given MediaType. The search in the hierarchy is a depth-first traversal. |
FindFirstPlainTextVersion | Finds the first text/plain MessagePart in this message. This is a convenience method - it simply propagates the call to FindFirstMessagePartWithMediaType. If no text/plain version is found, a null reference is returned. |
Save | Overloaded. Save this Message to a file. Can be loaded at a later time using the Load method. |
ToMailMessage | This method will convert this Message into a MailMessage equivalent. The returned MailMessage can be used with SmtpClient to forward the email. You should be aware of the following about this method:
Message Class | OpenPop.Mime Namespace